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If you or a loved one has been charged with a serious crime, turn to a team of lawyers with exceptional experience in the field of criminal defense, committed to upholding the highest standards of trial advocacy and obtaining favorable results. Contact the attorneys of Skeen & Robinson Law Firm, P.C., for a consultation to discuss the details of the charges you face. Call the firm’s Salt Lake office at 801-266-7414, or send an email using the contact form on this page. Skeen & Robinson Law Firm, P.C., represents clients in criminal cases throughout Utah, in state and in federal courts throughout the nation.

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Se habla Espanol — attorneys available 24 hours a day at 801-266-7414 or 888-270-3933 (toll-free)

Williamsburg Office Park  •  5788 South 900 East  •  Salt Lake City, Utah, 84121
Office Phone: 801-266-7414  •  Toll Free: 888-270-3933  •  Fax: 801-892-5067