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Driving Under The Influence (DUI)

The Utah State Legislature recently enacted legislation reducing the presumption for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) from .08 to .05., the lowest in the nation.
Generally a first offense is charged as a Class B Misdemeanor with a potential of incarceration for 180 days. Fines and fees total just under $2,000. A first time offender is generally sentenced to 48 hours community service in lieu of jail time.

A DUI is an enhanceable offense. This means that upon charging the third DUI within a ten-year period, the prosecutor may charge the DUI as a Third Degree Felony. A Third Degree Felony carries potential incarceration of zero to five years in prison. A second DUI offense requires a mandatory 10-day jail term. However, recent legislation allows offenders to serve five days in jail and wear an ankle monitor for 30 days.

In addition to the above penalties for a DUI, DMV has a separate process for suspending or revoking your Driver License. If you fail to timely submit a request for hearing with DMV, your Driver License will be suspended for a minimum period of 120 days on a first offense. Subsequent offenses result in longer periods of suspension.

In recent years, the DUI laws in the state of Utah have been tightened substantially. A DUI can be a life-altering event for an offender. Therefore, it is very important that you hire experienced counsel to represent you for a DUI charge. Our office has represented thousands of individuals charged with a DUI. We represent clients in both court and DMV proceedings. Our representation of clients has resulted in hundreds of cases being dismissed, together with numerous acquittals at trial. We have vast experience in representing DUI clients and have a representation of being aggressive defenders of our client’s rights.

Schedule A Confidential Consultation

We offer a no-obligation consultation for you to discuss the details of your case openly. Use the online contact form or call 801-266-7414 to meet with the firm's highly qualified Utah criminal defense and malpractice attorneys. The firm is located in Salt Lake City at 5788 South 900 East, and represents clients in northern Utah. Our track record is evidence of our ability to produce positive results in high-pressure situations.

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