See how we can help! Call us today at 801-266-7414 or 888-270-3933 (toll-free)



Prosecutors are determined to forfeit money and assets of persons charged with crimes, particularly in drug cases. Frequently, DEA and other agencies run roughshod over suspects in an attempt to seize their homes, vehicles, firearms, and money. Our firm has successfully defended a number of clients against forfeiture actions in Utah and California.

We recently were able to require DEA to return a client’s Ferrari, $500,000 worth of watches, his personal papers, and a substantial amount of cash. We were also able to ensure that the client was not charged with any crime.

We have successfully obtained a return of funds in excess of $1 million that were subject to forfeiture.

Schedule A Confidential Consultation

We offer a no-obligation consultation for you to discuss the details of your case openly. Use the online contact form or call 801-266-7414 to meet with the firm's highly qualified Utah criminal defense and malpractice attorneys. The firm is located in Salt Lake City at 5788 South 900 East, and represents clients in northern Utah. Our track record is evidence of our ability to produce positive results in high-pressure situations.

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